Stated quite simply, we believe our program is superior to any other guide school program in America. Why? Because we have invested in resources, utilize a number of experts in their field. Swan Mountain Wilderness Guide School – Montana Hunting Guide Schools, and offer aspects of our program that no other school in America does. Swan Mountain Wilderness Guide School operates as separate business, and stands apart from our other outfitting companies. In all types of business, best-in-class competitors offer products and services that are different and typically better then those offered by their competitors. In the guide school industry, many hunting guide schools are structured very similarly with virtually identical curriculum where one or two instructors take you through the five basic aspects of hunting guide school training:

  • Hunting & Fishing Techniques
  • Horses and Mules
  • Outdoors and Woodsmanship
  • Rules and Regulations
  • What it Takes To Be a Good Hunting or Fishing Guide

These topics are in fact critically important, but how they are presented and by whom, and what specifically is covered is where there is a great deal of difference – guide school to guide school. In addition, there are other topics that don’t get covered in the typical hunting guide school program, and yet “on the job”, as an outfitter, these are important areas which help make the difference between successful versus mediocre “on the job” performance as a hunting or fishing guide, packer or outfitter.

What Makes Us Different?

  • Only Guide School to Utilize a staff of experts instructors rather than one or two people
  • Only Guide School to offer certification in Wilderness First Aid
  • Only Guide School to offer NBHF Archery Education certificate
  • Only Guide School to offer MTA Trappers Education certificate
  • Only Guide School to utilize a computer program with laser guns that students can practice seeing where the shot placement lands in the anatomy of all North American Species
  • Only Guide School that has a collection of over 200 wild animal track casts taken by the lead instructor in the field
  • Only Guide School that has WIFI in camp and allows students to use Internet to search for jobs while attending school
  • Only Guide School that has sister companies that are materially active in the outfitting industry in all aspects of outdoor recreation, and is owned by an outfitter expert that serves as a leading consultant in the industry.

Find out specifically why and how we are different as a guide school…